Analytics Insights NL - Jun 6th, 2023
Analytics Insights NL | View online
Editor's Note

Send the kids outside to play and catch up on your reading.  This week's issue is hot like summer

"Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows." - Helen Keller

Are you a member of UAI with an informative article, use case, or success story you would like to submit for publication? Would you like to become a utility or solution provider member? Fantastic, we would love to hear from you! Contact Sandi Joralemon (Sr. Research Analyst) at [email protected]

Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2023Time: 11:00 AM ET / 10:00 AM CT / 8:00 AM PT / 4:00 PM GMTDuration: 1 hourSponsor: Gurobi OptimizationRegister Today!
The UAI Excellence Awards are here to honor those who have made significant strides in the field of utility analytics, and we urge you to submit your nominations before the approaching deadline of June 30, 2023.
Electric utilities are on a journey with the evolving risk of wildfire. How do you tackle a challenge of that scale?
A group of analytics professionals and experts in electric vehicle adoption and grid integration pooled their insights on the best practices to overcome the challenging obstacles of electric vehicle adoption, which include the high cost of equipment, haphazard and slow deployment, site accessibility, the uncertainty of managing the demand of energy on the grid, and the unpredictability of load shape, the measurement of energy use over time.
Ameren Illinois and SAS Institute worked together to create a cost-benefit case for distribution transformer health monitoring along with a detailed proof concept for their predictive model.
The Smart Utility Summit 2023 is a unique opportunity to engage with industry leaders, gain insights into the latest trends and technologies, and network with peers. This two-day event is the perfect combination of networking, education, and insightful conversations that will benefit communities across North America.
AMI Essentials empowers water utilities with advanced technology for enhanced efficiency and customer engagement.
Conversational AI is a complex AI model used to create the illusion of a personalized conversation between humans and computers.
A new platform unveiled for foundation models and generative AI offers a studio, data store, and governance toolkit.

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