Test Monitor & Control - Aug 15th, 2023
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Test Monitor & Control

Operations and Maintenance of Lines and Substations
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Companies face the challenge of mastering specialized software or paying steep costs for requisite training courses
The new TG54-2 is a 20:1 spot IR thermometer can provide non-contact temperature readings with a distance-to-spot ratio of 20:1
A high-level overview on IEC61850 basics answers the questions what is 61850, what can it do and how can it help me in my substation?
Birdstop has received several of the nation’s top Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approvals to conduct complex BVLOS operations.
The annual inspections identify overgrown trees and issues requiring attention to prevent service interruptions and ensure reliability.
Ensuring the reliability of transformers within power grids is crucial for a continuous power supply. Consequently, testing assumes a paramount role to verify their performance in both normal and abnormal situations.
Grid reliability impacts every aspect of our lives from hospitals, factories, telecom systems, and government operations to potable water production and the powering of individual households. Automation, new construction, urbanization, population growth, growth of electric vehicles, increased renewable generation, and severe weather events impact grid...