Test Monitor & Control - Nov 7th, 2023
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Test Monitor & Control

Operations and Maintenance of Lines and Substations
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Agency aims to boost power grid with more efficient data usage and better cybersecurity.
Utilities must organize and make sense of a tremendous tranche of legacy power grid data, but AI may offer answers.
Private 5G/4G cellular networks – also referred to as NPNs (Non-Public Networks) in 3GPP terminology – are rapidly gaining popularity across a diverse range of vertical industries.
Through its 10GigE SFP+ interface, the camera reaches a top single line rate of 172KHz.
The app replaces physical keys, which can be lost or stolen.
InsuLogix G2 monitors the health of power transformers by finding faults that can damage or shorten lives of critical equipment.
With predictive maintenance based on captured real-time asset data, companies can identify when a component or machinery is due for service or suddenly requires replacement before it fails.
Maximizing right-of-ways and reducing project timelines help utilities meet their power planning and environmental stewardship goals.
It is easy to take distribution system storm and wildfire hardening, as well as overall reliability, to the next level with complete project planning.