Smart Utility - Jan 25th, 2024
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Smart Utility

Where technology meets reality
As an application of artificial intelligence (AI), computer vision has become an efficient and cost-effective means for managing the growing burdens of asset inspection and asset maintenance.

Utilities have limited visibility into the impact of EVs on their grids, making it hard to know when and where these new loads will appear on the grid.

NYPA uses fiber-optic sensing, based on the principles of distributed acoustic sensing, to identify power line conditions in real time.
The selected projects will develop cost-effective, high-speed, and safe undergrounding technologies to help upgrade the nation’s grid infrastructure.
The $30 million funding for cyber tools is in support of CESER’s work to develop new technology to protect clean energy infrastructure from cyber threats.
TenneT expects to invest more than $10.89 billion in electricity grid expansion each year.
For this episode, SSG Dalton Kruse dives into the training program for lineworkers in the military.