Vegetation Management & Wildfire Mitigation - Jan 23rd, 2024
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Vegetation Management & Wildfire Mitigation

How Electric Utilities Run IVM and Wildfire Mitigation Programs
Over the past decade, San Diego Gas & Electric Company has invested more than $3 billion in safety measures to prevent utility-related catastrophic wildfires, including ongoing replacements of over 14,000 wood transmission and distribution poles with...
Pile burns have objectives that include enhancing firefighter and public safety, protecting natural resources and reducing wildfire risk within the Wildland-Urban Interface of public and developed areas.
Starting on Florida Arbor Day, Jan. 19, Duke Energy customers can request a free tree online until all trees are distributed.
The free, virtual workshops will educate customers on how to plant and care for the trees before receiving them, and after completing one of the virtual workshops, customers can receive two free shade trees.