Smart Utility - Apr 18th, 2024
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Smart Utility

Where technology meets reality
Create a holistic and coordinated approach to security by proactively preparing for both physical and cyber threats.
“There’s a lot going on at state levels. They have their own climate mandates and they want to realize those,” says one analyst.
The funding initiative targets municipal utilities and rural cooperatives for clean energy development.
Mon Power and Potomac Edison's $84.7 million tree-trimming program will help keep power flowing to customers by helping to prevent tree-related outages, such as those that can occur during the spring and summer storm season.

Attend our utility-led event to tackle challenges and shape the energy landscape together. Experience dynamic collaboration shaping the industry's future.

Collaboration with energy providers aims to enhance reliability and cut carbon emissions.

Meet the Data Center Frontier Trends Summit - a new 3-day experience that will empower data center leaders and stakeholders to make the most informed decisions through insights on the essential trends impacting the marketplace. Gain insights into the most critical trends impacting your job, and discover cutting-edge technologies that can optimize your operations, and reduce costs.

The projects will extend transmission lines by 4,471 kilometers and add substations with a capacity of 9.840 MVA across five states.
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