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Socomec and SellPower See Increase in Battery Storage Demand in Sweden

Sept. 9, 2024
Socomec and SellPower gear up for the current demand increase for battery energy storage.

Socomec, the global manufacturer of battery energy storage solutions, and its distribution partner SellPower Nordic AB (SellPower), a specialist in smart solutions for the production, storage and distribution of energy, report rising demand for battery storage systems in Sweden. Demand has been driven by the need to regulate frequency fluctuations across renewable-powered grids and relieve pressure on the grid from EV charging. Sellpower, which distributes Socomec’s battery energy storage systems (BESS) for on-grid and off-grid applications across the region, has seen its BESS sales double over the past 12 months, with hundreds of additional projects awaiting regulatory approval.

Sweden’s accelerated adoption of renewable energy, now accounting for over 60% of its power generation, has introduced grid frequency fluctuation and stability challenges. This surge in intermittent renewable energy usage has driven an increase in demand for Socomec’s BESS solutions to maintain frequency regulation and prevent blackouts, facilitate wholesale arbitrage, and manage imbalances across a variety of sectors from agriculture and utilities to industrial manufacturing. SellPower is seeing the greatest demand for Socomec’s SKID battery storage systems due to their ability to be rapidly relocated to sites of greatest demand.

Investment in Socomec’s BESS solutions for grid frequency response in Sweden enables Swedish end-users to optimise revenue from their storage assets, achieving a return on investment within 2-3 years. The systems are easily deployable, modular and have open APIs, enabling them to be quickly moved and adapted to different applications from grid frequency services to peak shaving and energy arbitrage, allowing the technology to respond to varying market demands.

Demand for roadside batteries is also rising amidst growing EV adoption with the Swedish government’s ambitious target to reduce transport emissions by 70% by 2030. The availability of Socomec’s compact and modular solution the SUNSYS HES L SKID, enables faster deployment of EV charging infrastructure. The system provides up to 600kVA for ultra-fast charging and its mounted design makes it easily transportable and deployable. With minimal installation time, the technology also reduces the need for extensive civil works. This flexibility allows for installation at various sites during the systems lifetime; if an EV site with a Socomec SUNSYS HES L SKID finally gets a more powerful connection to the grid, the system can be moved to another site.


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