There’s been growing interest in the preservatives used to make poles durable and long lasting. The conference will feature a special panel featuring the manufacturers of all major preservatives used in wood utility pole treating. Other conference presentations include a new look at sustainable design with wood poles for resiliency, an overview of national standards for wood poles and the performance of pole remediation treatments.
The conference is intended for utility personnel who are involved with design, purchasing, installation, management and maintenance of the electrical distribution and transmission systems.Each registered attendee will receive a certificate of completion for eight hours of instruction, which can be used to qualify for Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits.
Registration is $250 per attendee. Each attendee will receive digital versions of the presentations and NAWPC technical guides and a copy of ANSI O5.1-2017 Wood Poles, Specifications and Dimensions. The registration fee includes a continental breakfast, lunch and a reception. Deadline for registration is Wednesday, Aug. 4.
Register for the conference online at The conference website includes a schedule of confirmed speakers and demonstrations, as well as hotel information.
The North American Wood Pole Council is a federation of three organizations representing the wood preserving industry in the United States. and Canada. These organizations provide a variety of services to support the use of preservative-treated wood poles to carry power and communications to consumers.