To raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, the Climbin' For Kids journeyman team will again be doing a fundraiser, but this year, with additional support.
Jason Novak, an Ameren Illinois lineman, reached out to Ameren Illinois leadership about partnering in this year's fundraising event.
"Ameren Illinois showed great support by expanding the fundraiser to include all of its employees and vendors," says Novak, who is competing with teammates Joe Davidson and Clayton Gulley.
With the support of Ameren Illinois, the internal fundraiser generated $15,000 for St. Jude, while an additional $5,000 was raised externally. In addition, the International Lineman’s Rodeo Association is making a $1,000 contribution to the cause.
Fundraising efforts will continue during the Lineman's Rodeo in October, allowing linemen and their families from across the country to contribute by participating in a variety of vendor-supported activities in the exhibit hall.
At the International Lineman's Rodeo Association banquet, Saturday, Oct. 15, a lineman who has competed at the Rodeo in the past, and his daughter, a St. Jude's patient, will join Ameren Illinois representatives on stage to present the check to the children's research hospital.
Look for more details in the ILRA enewsletter. For those interested, contributions can be made by clicking the QR code below, which links directly to the St. Jude Web site.