Panel Session: Energy Storage Applications and Business Models

March 31, 2014
In this panel session, researchers and engineers from independent system operators (ISOs), utilities, and research institutes will share their results and field deployment experiences of using energy storage.

In this panel session at the 2014 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference, researchers and engineers from independent system operators (ISOs), utilities, and research institutes will share their results and field deployment experiences of using energy storage for providing energy and ancillary services in power transmission grids and for integrating distributed renewable resources in power distribution systems. Performance and economic evaluations will be presented for each application. Opportunities and challenges for future deployment of similar energy storage systems will also be discussed.

The Energy Storage Applications and Business Models session will be on April 12, from 10 a.m. to noon, in W185D. Ning Lu of North Carolina State University and Hamidreza Zareipour of University of Calgary will chair the event.

Presentations and Panelists

14TD0674 - Energy Storage Applications in the NCSU FREEDM Hybrid ac/dc Microgrid


Ning Lu
North Carolina State University

14TD0675 - Energy Storage Applications: ISO experiences


Sandip Sharma

14TD0676 - Regional-level Energy Storage Integration


Michael Kintner-Meyer
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

14TD0677 - Managing Energy Storage for Providing Energy and Ancillary Services


Xiaoming Feng
ABB US Corporate Research Center

14TD0678 - Energy Storage Integration In Alberta's Energy Only Market


Kevin Dawson

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