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Learning Lab: Understanding the impacts of Electric Transportation and Other Transition Technologies

Aug. 14, 2023
This tutorial will provide an overview of the issues and an understanding the needs including of how to calculate the numbers, what they mean, how to deal with seasonal differences.

If you are a fleet owner or an electric utility, understanding the magnitude of the changes brought on by transportation electrification, solar, storage, and even building decarbonization is important to planning and budgeting.

Right now, the lead times on many of the critical pieces of equipment can add two or three years to project timelines, so getting the sizing right is critical.

How much solar can a fleet depot really produce, how does it change month-to-month, what are the typical losses and space required for a battery to store energy? How much energy is required for a vehicle based on class and daily mileage? These are questions a fleet owner needs to understand and know how to answer. Not that it matters in California, but the initial buses in NYC on a zero-degree day consumed 70% of their battery energy in keeping the bus warm. Air conditioning in a class 4 truck on a hot day can easily reduce available miles by 15%. Understanding these numbers helps determine the total daily energy, and from that the capacity of the electrical system. A new car dealer will easily triple the capacity of their connection to the grid, even with solar over their lot.

Utilities need to understand the energy requirement for a fleet (or even a multi-dwelling unit). They need to plan upgrades to support the total energy required on circuits. In some cases, the combination of vehicle heavy businesses and residential (e.g., UPS) can more than triple demand on a distribution circuit.

This tutorial, taking place at T&D World Live in Sacramento, will provide an overview of the issues and an understanding the needs including of how to calculate the numbers, what they mean, how to deal with seasonal differences, and what the costs are that both the utility and the business will be expecting. Project timelines and critical long lead items will also be discussed. This tutorial assumes that the attendee understands what an electric vehicle is and how they may be used in business. The tutorial will provide an overview of that the utility expects and what the business expects and how they go together. The tutorial will provide a worksheet to enter your own numbers into (or you can use the on-screen example case). Don’t worry the math will be limited is simple arithmetic.

Who should attend: fleet owners, operators, depot and cross dock operators, utility planning personnel, government officials that deal with building permits and land use, regulators and others interested in the energy transition.

Speaker: Doug Houseman, 1898 & Co.

Monday, September 11, 2023, 12:30 PM - 5:30 PM 

Cost: $150.00 on or before August 11, 2023 $200 after August 11, 2023

Click here to register. 

About the Author

T&D World Staff

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