Vineyard Wind 1.

Contract Secured to Build 791-MW Offshore Wind Farm for Massachusetts

Sept. 11, 2024
The project is expected to supply clean energy to 400,000 homes in Massachusetts.

Renewable energy company Iberdrola, through its U.S. subsidiary Avangrid, has secured a contract to build the 791-MW New England Wind 1 offshore wind farm off the coast of Massachusetts.

Once operational, the project is expected to supply clean energy to 400,000 homes in Massachusetts, contributing to the state’s renewable energy targets. This project is also anticipated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to removing 300,000 gasoline-powered cars from the road annually.

The project is expected to create over 4,400 full-time jobs and generate $3 billion in local investment, including a new marshalling port in Salem and an offshore wind manufacturing facility in New Bedford.

If a power purchase agreement is signed and approved, then the project can begin construction in 2025 and reach full commercial operation in 2029.

Located near Vineyard Wind 1, the first large-scale offshore wind project in the U.S., New England Wind 1 will expand the state’s renewable energy capacity. Vineyard Wind 1, currently under construction, is expected to supply electricity to over 400,000 homes and businesses, while reducing carbon emissions by more than 1.6 million metric tons annually.

Iberdrola has been expanding its offshore wind portfolio globally, with significant projects in the U.K., France, and the Baltic Sea. The company aims to reach 4,800 MW of offshore wind capacity by 2026, building on its current 2,300 MW.

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