Oct 11 | International Lineman's RodeoEvent news and products | | | | |
| | Congratulations to the category finalists, who will be honored at the Lineman's BBQ on Oct. 15, 2021. |
| | Images from the International's Lineman's Rodeo championship day. |
Advertisement | Lineman's 5IN1 Ratcheting Wrench The MILWAUKEE Lineman's 5-in-1 Ratcheting Wrench features the most durable ratchet. Click here to learn more | |
| As teams get ready to compete at the 2021 International Lineman's Rodeo, here's a quick look back at the 2019 competition from Tencate Protective Fabrics. | |
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Since 1959, Hastings has pioneered the design and fabrication of hot line tools to withstand today's toughest field conditions. When you see our name, expect the best. View our online catalog to find the latest Hastings equipment! | |
To mark his 20th time competing at the Rodeo, Jason Novak and his teammates, Jay Leathers and Justin Bettis, are partnering with Buckingham Manufacturing for a fundraiser. | |
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We’re the #1 choice of linemen who know & trust the brand that introduced battery-powered hydraulic tools. For 45 years we've been building the broadest, most durable, dependable & safest battery-powered hydraulic tool line in the utility industry. | |
| With a $75 order, Lineman's Expo attendees can enter for the chance to win a sculpture valued at $350. | |
GORE-TEX Professional Fabrics will be offering Pro Lineman demos and a drawing at its Lineman's Expo booth. | |
Linemen can check out the round telescopic hot stick with removable sections. | |
Stop by the booth for a chance to win a prize for participating in the competition. | |
The contest will be safely energized with the Timpson Training System. | |
| Over the last 14 years I have covered the line trade for T&D World, I have seen more women topping out as journeymen linemen and an increasing number of utilities investing in drone programs. | |
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See the High Line™ Pant at DragonWear's booth #322 at ILR 2021. The fit provides enough space through the legs to layer in colder weather and also retain great airflow in the warmer months. Several deep pockets also provide storage for any workday. | |
| The company will be exhibiting new products for linemen at the International Lineman's Expo. | |
The hooks feature an extra-wide paddle gate for opening with rubber gloves. | |
Visit Hoffman's booth at the International LIneman's Expo to see the new boot. | |
The featured tool board allows the user to use corner of the bucket that is typically unused space in the bucket. | |
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