Oct 25 | International Lineman's RodeoEvent news and products | | | | |
| | Journeymen linemen competed in teams of three during the competition Oct. 16, 2021, in Bonner Springs, Kansas. |
| | Linemen swapped hats and shirts before the start of the Lineman's BBQ. |
| This photo gallery goes out to the line families who stand on the sidelines to cheer on their loved ones during the competition. |
| Check out these snapshots from the photo booth at the 2021 Lineman's Rodeo Awards Banquet. Can you spot your team? | |
Photographer and Cinematographer Charles Coleman shot this video for Tencate Protective Fabrics. | |
Congratulations to the apprentices and journeymen linemen who earned top spots at the 2021 International Lineman's Rodeo. | |
| Enter your favorite photo from the 2021 International Lineman's Rodeo into T&D World's new photography competition. | |
Electric utilities are investing in technology and hardening infrastructure to minimize outages and maximize reliability. | |
| Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 product competition presented by T&D World and Utility Products. | |
The climbing belt allows for a custom fit due to the adjustment of the upper and lower D-rings. | |
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