AEIC Cable Engineering Committee Updates Guide for Extruded Power Cables

Sept. 24, 2010
The Association of Edison Illuminating Companies‘ (AEIC) Cable Engineering Committee, recognized as a worldwide authority on underground electrical cable, has released its 2nd Edition of “Guide for Developing Specifications for Extruded Power Cables Rated 5 kV Through 46 kV.”

The Association of Edison Illuminating Companies‘ (AEIC) Cable Engineering Committee, recognized as a worldwide authority on underground electrical cable, has released its 2nd Edition of “Guide for Developing Specifications for Extruded Power Cables Rated 5 kV Through 46 kV.”

AEIC CG10-10 is designed to provide guidance for electric utility engineers who must develop cable specifications for medium voltage cable (5 kV to 46 kV).

“The electric utility industry has relied on AEIC specifications for underground cables to ensure that quality and reliability issues are met. It is often necessary, however, for an individual utility to augment its purchasing specification to include items that are specific to its needs. This updated guide should be of significant help to electric utility personnel, describing the choices that must be considered and outlining the criteria necessary to ensure the cable will perform as intended,” said Michael Smalley, Chairman of AEIC’s Cable Engineering Committee.

AEIC Cable Engineering Committee specifications and guides are used by utilities, municipalities, large industrial installations and consultants throughout the world.

AEIC’s Cable Engineering Committee publishes seven underground cable specifications and eleven underground cable guides. Guides and specifications undergo regular reviews and updates by the committee, with five specifications and three guides scheduled to be updated in 2010.

AEIC cable specifications and guides are available from the AEIC office by calling (205) 257-3839 or: mailto:[email protected]. AEIC member companies receive all underground cable publications at no cost, while non-member companies may purchase the publications. A listing of specifications and guides, as well as information on becoming an AEIC member, may be found at AEIC’s web site,

Founded by Thomas Edison and his associates in 1885, AEIC is one of the oldest associations in the electric energy industry. AEIC encourages research and the exchange of technical information through a committee structure, staffed with experts from management and technical areas of member companies. Through its six technical committees, AEIC represents the views and experiences of a diverse membership, including public and investor-owned electric utilities, generating, transmitting and distributing companies, power producers and international electric energy companies. AEIC also provides highly valued literature on load research.

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