Western Power, Perth, Australia, has awarded Downer EDI Engineering Power Pty Ltd (Downer) a construction contract, valued at more than $175 million, for its new major transmission line between Pinjar, in Perth’s northern suburbs and Eneabba. The new 190- km transmission line will form a critical part of Western Power’s $443 million Mid West Energy Project Stage 1, which was approved by the State Government in May 2012.
“Western Power is pleased to announce that Downer will be constructing the new 330-kV transmission line between Pinjar and Eneabba – an important part of the overall Mid West Energy Project,” Western Power’s Acting CEO Paul Italiano said.
“The Mid West Energy Project is critical for the Mid West in facilitating the connection of new mining projects, encouraging investment in renewable energy projects and enabling new power generation projects to deliver power into the grid,” he said.
“The project will also ultimately result in a more reliable and secure electricity supply for the Mid West region and Western Power’s customers,” Italiano commented.
The Pinjar-Eneabba 330-kV transmission line will connect to the 70-km transmission line which has been constructed by Karara Mining Limited between Eneabba and Three Springs. Western Power will ultimately purchase the 70-km line as a part of the Mid West Energy Project. The transmission line that runs between Eneabba, Three Springs and then out to the Karara mine was energized on Tuesday of this week, providing an initial power supply for the mine site.
“These are significant investments in infrastructure in the Mid West. Over the 2-year construction period a workforce of around 300 workers will also bring an added economic benefit to the region,” Italiano said.
Preliminary works have commenced on the project, and construction of the Pinjar to Eneabba portion of the transmission line will commence in August.