Georgia Power has announced the latest milestone in the construction of the Vogtle nuclear plant units 3 and 4 – the recently completed redesign of the existing 500 kV switchyard for Vogtle units 1 and 2. The 500kV switchyard takes energy from the plant and feeds it onto the power grid to serve customers across the state. The 500kV redesign included the addition of four new breakers, associated disconnect switches and a new relay protection scheme. The work, completed with no interruption of power distribution, will help ensure seamless integration of the new units into the overall Plant Vogtle system.
Other major transmission milestones achieved at the plant recently include the completion of in-ground work for the Unit 4 Switchyard (foundations, control conduits and cableway), the rerouting of the West McIntosh 500kV line, the reconfiguration of the existing 230kV switchyard and commissioning of the new Vogtle 230kV switching station. Work continues on the Thomson-Vogtle 500 kV transmission line which is 55 miles long and runs from Thomson, Ga. to Plant Vogtle.
In addition to the transmission infrastructure taking shape, other recent construction highlights at the site include the concrete placement for the Unit 3 Annex Building basemat, the completion of the last of 12 separate water boxes within the Unit 3 Turbine Island and the arrival of multiple pieces of major equipment onsite such as the pressurizer for Unit 4.
The expansion at Plant Vogtle is part of Georgia Power's long-term, strategic vision for providing safe, clean, reliable and affordable energy for Georgians well into the future. Once Units 3 and 4 join the existing two Vogtle units already in operation, Plant Vogtle is expected to generate more electricity than any U.S. nuclear facility, enough to power more than one million homes and businesses.