Nova Scotia Power is working collaboratively with Parks Canada to relocate power lines in the Ingonish area of Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Nova Scotia Power will begin work on Oct. 7, 2019 and expects to finish the project in early 2020.
This power line is the sole source of electricity for approximately 2160 customers in the Ingonish area. The current power structures are 40 years old and are surrounded by trees that damage the lines during storms, causing power outages. The new line — to be located between the Ingonish Beach entrance of the Park, the Clyburn River, and around the Broad Cove campground — will be moved from forested areas to the roadside. The line rebuild will replace the aging infrastructure, reduce the overall environmental footprint and line exposure to trees, and improve line accessibility and outage response times.
Nova Scotia Power will take steps to ensure the line rebuild project is done in a manner that minimizes impact on the nearby ecosystem. During periods of construction, some portions of the Cabot Trail between Ingonish Beach and Clyburn River will experience lane reduction, and traffic delays are possible.
As part of its project planning, Nova Scotia Power developed a Detailed Impact Analysis (DIA) that outlines the benefits of the work, environmental considerations, mitigation measures, and approach to safely completing the project. Parks Canada shared the DIA with the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia through the Crown’s Duty-to-Consult process and with the public, through a public engagement process. For a summary of engagement feedback, please visit here.