Texas-New Mexico Power Company (TNMP), Public Utility Commission of Texas staff, as well as Marathon Petroleum Company LP and Blanchard Refining Company LLC d/b/a Galveston Bay Refinery (Marathon Petroleum) on April 28 filed with the commission a unanimous stipulation calling for the approval of a proposed 138-kV transmission line.
As noted in the filing, TNMP in September 2020 filed with the commission an application for a certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) for the Greenbelt-Cattail-Cherokee 138-kV Transmission Line in Galveston County, Texas. The line would connect the existing Greenbelt substation to the proposed Cattail substation, and then the proposed Cattail substation to the existing Cherokee substation.
TNMP, staff, and Marathon Petroleum — together referred to as the signatories — agree that the project is necessary for the service, accommodation, convenience, and safety of the public. The stipulation also noted that the signatories agree that the commission should approve Alternative Transmission Line Routes GC-7 — which is about 2.19 miles long — and CC-2 — which is about 1.58 miles long — as the routes that best meet certain requirements.
The transmission line facilities built on Routes GC-7 and CC-2 are estimated to cost about $8.1m and about $5.9m, respectively. The stipulation added that the estimated cost for the Greenbelt Terminal addition is about $1.5m; the estimated cost for the Cattail switching station is about $8m; the estimated cost for the Cherokee Terminal addition is about $1.5m; and the estimated cost for the addition of a terminal to the existing Texas City Main switching station is about $4m.
To read the complete article, visit TransmissionHub.