Snohomish County PUD Undertakes Electric System Improvements for Enhanced Reliability
Snohomish County PUD is undertaking electric system improvements and preventative maintenance projects this summer to ensure reliable service and meet increasing demand during storm season. A key initiative is the construction of a second high-voltage transmission line to Camano Island, which will deliver backup power and facilitate critical maintenance activities.
The construction of this transmission line involves installing 85 iron and steel poles between Stanwood and the PUD’s North Camano Substation. The North Camano Substation will also undergo expansion and modernization to accommodate the island’s growth and replace aging equipment. To overcome the challenge of setting poles in areas with a high-water table, PUD crews, in collaboration with engineers, have devised an innovative solution involving a casing, cap, and excavator to navigate through mud and water during pole placement.
Throughout the summer and extending into the year’s end, PUD crews will be engaged in various substation and line projects. Notable projects include the completion of the new Sky Valley Substation in Monroe to address increasing electricity demand, the installation of a second transformer bank at the Edgecomb Substation in Arlington for enhanced capacity and reliability, and the construction of a new line extension over Interstate-5 to connect the Ballinger Substation with growing areas of Mountlake Terrace.
Furthermore, the PUD plans to replace aging poles, assess and treat existing ones, and replace aging underground cables. The Vegetation Management team will also be busy trimming trees across the utility’s service territory throughout the summer, covering approximately 450 miles of powerlines annually to ensure reliability.