According to the New South Wales (NSW) Government, EnergyCo has partnered with Transgrid to develop the Hunter Transmission Project.
The project is crucial for NSW’s energy security and includes a high-voltage power line to transport affordable and reliable electricity from the state’s renewable energy zones to homes and businesses across NSW. Transgrid will work with EnergyCo as the project is developed and as design and construction contractors are procured.
The project will be delivered with a Hunter-first policy and around 700 people will be required during construction including labourers, engineers and electricians.
The project involves building a above-ground 500 kV transmission line of around 100 km between Bayswater in the Upper Hunter and Olney in the Lower Hunter to connect the existing 500 kV transmission lines operated by Transgrid. This will help create a 500 kV ring of transmission infrastructure to support the state’s electricity grid in the future.
The appointment of Transgrid as network operator is dependent on execution of a final delivery contract between EnergyCo and Transgrid, award of design and construct packages and other necessary approvals for the Project.
EnergyCo has shortlisted seven contractors for two key work packages as part of the project and is finalising the tender documents to be issued to the contractors.
The packages include:
- Transmission line package
- Acciona Genus Joint Venture
- Downer Utilities Australia Pty Ltd
- Gamuda Seymour Whyte Joint Venture
- UGL Engineering CPB Contractors Joint Venture
- Substation package
- Acciona Genus Joint Venture
- Consolidated Power Projects Australia Pty
- UGL Engineering Pty