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Grid Modernization: Where Are We Today? An Industry Roundtable Discussion

May 28, 2024
Following a major recent international energy conference in the USA, we have gathered some industry experts who were in attendance to gain their insights on the status of the industry and grid modernization initiatives.

There is no shortage of information and dialogue describing the state of the industry and what needs to be done to modernize the electric grid. The drivers are well known. We have seen an unprecedented amount of investment from both public and private sectors to accelerate grid modernization projects to support the growing demand for power and the integration of renewable energy sources.

Download this Webinar Executive Summary to learn more about:

  • Critical technologies that will drive grid modernization projects
  • Energy companies’ near-term challenges of integrating Distributed Energy Resources (DERs)
  • The role of OEMs in grid modernization projects
  • Challenges facing electric utilities to meeting and proving net-zero CO2 emissions. Net-zero, and or other carbon performance terms, are closely tied to ‘grid modernization’ especially in the context of lifecycle carbon analysis (LCA). Utilities are exploring a range of alternatives to fossil fuel-generated power such as onsite renewables with microgrids with battery storage, carbon capture & sequestration, direct air capture, and switching to alternative fuels (RNG, hydrogen, ammonia) for power plants. 
  • Incentives for energy producers to invest in grid modernization projects.

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