G&W Electric Co. has extended its line of solid dielectric reclosers with a “Z” configuration design ideal for congested overhead or substation applications to maintain electrical clearances. The “Z” module can be used on both their Viper-S and Viper-ST ...
G&W Electric Co. has extended its line of solid dielectric reclosers with a “Z” configuration design ideal for congested overhead or substation applications to maintain electrical clearances. The “Z” module can be used on both their Viper-S and Viper-ST recloser designs. The modular construction of G&W Viper reclosers permit a variety of bushing configurations providing ideal solutions for overhead, substation and dead-front padmount applications.
Other features include ratings through 38kV, 630A, 12.5kA symmetric interrupting; latest technology magnetic actuator for reliable performance; and the ability to work with the popular Schweitzer SEL-351R and 651 recloser controls. G&W Electric
www.gwelec.com Booth 1800
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