Smarter Security, Inc. (Booth 2653) will present an informational session on preventing wire theft and stopping break-ins at substations. The session, to be held on Wednesday, May, 9, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., will cover how copper theft is a common, costly issue for substations.
David Curtiss, director of Engineering, and Ralph Spagnola, vice president of sale, will present the session and answer questions about the company's products SmarterFence and SmarterBeam – both proven to tune out environmental nuisances and detect real intrusion attempts.
SmarterFence is a highly intelligent, fiber optic intrusion detection system that reliably detects and alarm any attempt cut, climb, or lift a fence. It is immune to lightning strikes and EMI/RFI and is cost-effective for substation perimeter distances.
SmarterBeam is a passive infrared motion detector designed for the harshest outdoor environments. It is used by electric utilities as a second line of defense inside a fenced perimeter or to secure non-fenced areas or sliding gates on substations. SmarterBeam is easy to install and highly accurate in detecting people walking, crawling, or running. Two models are available: one with a narrow, 500-foot long protection range and one with a shorter but 90-foot wide protection range.