The Newton-Evans Research Co. has announced publication of its newest three volume study of smart grid research topics. The study is based on inputs from utilities, regulators and industry equipment manufacturers, systems integrators and consulting firms, as well as highlights from recently completed Newton-Evans studies.
Volume One includes assessment of survey results obtained from utilities in more than 30 countries, together with inputs from regulators from throughout the United States, as well as regulatory findings from China, India, Brazil and Mexico. Survey topics included utility views and regulatory filings related to real-time pricing, vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-building topics.
Volume Two includes sections that describe the current status and outlook for smart grid building blocks including control systems, substation automation, protection and control, outage management, distribution automation, smart infrastructure and automated metering. The role of communications networks as the integrating force for smart grid development is also detailed.
Volume Three is an attempt to realistically portray the market as it stands in 2011 and as it may look by 2015. The outlook for specific smart grid developments in each world region and in key countries within several world regions is profiled. The regional outlooks have been smoothed by taking into account regional variables including GDP, population, economic growth rates, and electrical infrastructure assets (including power generation capacity, actual production, as well as transmission and distribution substations). The volume also includes survey findings from research conducted with more than 30 global and regional market leaders active in development of the smart grid on the near-term and mid-term outlook for smart grid developments.
Brief overviews of key embryonic aspects of smart grid development are provided. Included are renewables integration, energy storage, home energy management, and electric vehicle charging stations. Emerging roles of demand response, synchrophasor developments and visualization tools are also summarized.
This report series is entitled "The Worldwide Smart Grid Market in 2011:A Reality Check and Five Year Outlook Through 2015." The study represents a continuing commitment of nearly 35 years of research into the equipment and technologies in use and under development in support of the electric power industry around the world.