DNV and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), signed a contract authorizing DNV as a testing laboratory to provide Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES) V3.0 conformity testing services.
DNV’s testing tool named CIMbion assures that the implementation of new power system applications complies with the standard of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Common Information Model (CIM).
Conformance testing enables the smooth data exchange between smart grid operating and planning systems from different vendors, thereby supporting the integration of more renewable energy into power grids to accelerate the energy transition.
New smart grid market players such as distributed energy resources (DERs), aggregators and flexibility providers are being integrated into power grids. These parties are required to exchange data in a standardized communication format to support active network management by grid operators. Therefore, new applications are being developed and need to be verified. Smart grid vendors have been increasingly adopting the CIM standard and have developed their applications to connect and integrate with the various other grid operation applications and systems. This does however require that these applications are thoroughly tested to ensure conformance to the CIM standard.
Conformance testing is a crucial step to demonstrate that all new grid applications from different vendors are compliant to the standard and can interoperate by exchanging grid operations data flawlessly. It aims to create value to all stakeholders: Transmission & Distribution System Operators will be able to purchase well tested and certified applications compliant with legislation and regulation. Vendors can use the conformity test to develop and test CIM-compliant applications, allowing them to improve their quality of service.
“We are very pleased to announce the agreement between ENTSO-E and DNV on Conformity Assessment Services for the Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES). This agreement sets the terms for DNV to act as CGMES Conformity Assessment body to enable IT vendors to obtain the attestation of conformity for CGMES. ENTSO-E remains the owner of the Conformity Assessment Scheme as well as the Opinion Body. Thus, ENTSO-E will ensure the CGMES conformity assessment process is performed correctly.”, said ENTSO-E.
“DNV’s conformance testing service gives vendors the ability to develop and test their applications to acquire an independent verification of their CIM implementation during Factory Acceptance Test (FAT). Having certified CIM compliant applications will improve the product’s marketability and ultimately the vendor´s market share. DNV can provide Services to TSOs and DSOs to improve the data quality to ensure the conformity as part of Site Acceptance Testing (SAT). The CIMbion testing tool will also be used for conformance testing and data quality assessment during factory and site acceptance testing in project implementations.”, said Lucy Craig, executive vice-president, growth, innovation and digitalization, Energy Systems at DNV.
A webinar preparing vendors for the CGMES Conformance Testing will be arranged in January 2022. Interested parties can contact [email protected] to receive an invitation.