Itron, Inc. joined the Green Button Alliance as a member. GBA is a non-profit and U.S.-based organization that fosters the development, compliance and widespread adoption of the Green Button energy and water data-access and -sharing protocol.
The Green Button Connect My Data and Green Button Download My Data standards enable energy and water users to digitally access their usage data, manage energy consumption more efficiently and conserve resources, while ensuring customer data privacy.
Joining the GBA as a participating member aligns Itron with other companies to further the proliferation of standards-based Green Button solutions.
With distributed energy resources (DERs) such as residential solar and electric vehicles on the rise, consumer demand and utility and third-party requirements for real-time insight into energy usage continues to grow.
Part of Itron’s mission is to help utilities behind-the-meter DERs as valuable grid assets that deliver improved reliability, resiliency, customer engagement and sustainability. Itron will have the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded GBA stakeholders to stay at the forefront of innovation and continue to support grid-balancing efforts as the energy and water sectors evolves.
By joining the GBA, Itron will help maintain the evolving landscape of advanced metering infrastructure and grid edge data. Itron has shipped more than 8 million distributed intelligence (DI)-enabled endpoints, which have the capability to capture real-time data from electric vehicle chargers, solar panels, appliance load profiles, transformer loading and more through DI applications.
Additionally, Itron's DataHub platform provides a united, user-friendly platform for utilities and third parties to facilitate the sharing of not just metering and billing information, but also a wide variety of grid edge data.
Aligning these solutions with the Green Button standard helps ensure all parties have secure access to data needed for a distributed energy future.