When it was time to rebuild a portion of the 115-kV radial Bremo-Cartersville transmission line in Cumberland and Fluvanna counties, Virginia, Dominion Energy immediately equated the rugged terrain - specifically a steep bluff - with a costly temporary line, right-of-way access challenges and safety concerns for its crews. However, Dominion Energy is no stranger to innovation, especially when it comes to serving more than 2.6 million customer accounts in Virginia and northeastern North Carolina.
The utility is accustomed to thinking creatively about electric transmission projects because of the diverse conditions found in the region: coastal areas, mountains, rural communities and densely populated cities. After considering the options for the Bremo-Cartersville line, Dominion Energy decided to use a 230/115-kV mobile substation to feed the load using a parallel 230-kV transmission line at the adjacent Cartersville substation. Following are images of the mobile substation, featured more in-depth in the July issue of T&D World magazine: "Where Innovation Meets the Road."