ID 111900274 © Thossaphol Somsri |
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New Plant to Replace Gerald Andrus Steam Electric Station in Greenville Mississippi

Sept. 5, 2024
Entergy Mississippi is building a natural gas power station, combined-cycle combustion turbine power station, to ensure customers have modern, reliable energy in the future.

Entergy Mississippi is building a natural gas power station, combined-cycle combustion turbine power station, to ensure customers have modern, reliable energy in the future.

The combined-cycle combustion turbine facility is a dual-fuel technology and will be designed to support blended hydrogen to produce reliable energy. The power station is expected to be completed in 2028.

The company plans to retire the Gerald Andrus Steam Electric Station in Greenville. Entergy Mississippi is producing more electricity from the same amount of fuel by replacing older power plants with more advanced and efficient technology, while reducing carbon emissions.

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