Decades ago, humans relied on animals to control vegetation. Vegetation management has come a long way since then. Today, effective and low-cost weed and brush control can easily be obtained with the innovation of herbicides.
Decades ago, humans relied on animals to control vegetation. Vegetation management has come a long way since then. Today, effective and low-cost weed and brush control can easily be obtained with the innovation of herbicides.
Total vegetation control is required to protect investments and property, such as the nation’s roadsides, energy transportation corridors, substations, dam structures, industrial sites, storage areas, ditch structures, fuel storage areas, military installations, pipelines and other service areas, from damage.
Vegetation control protects the functional usage of many sites. The benefits to the sites include rapid and positive drainage, reduced structural damage and interference, increased physical life, safety to people and wildlife, fire protection, increased security, and improved visibility.