Test Monitor & Control - Jul 5th, 2023
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Test Monitor & Control

Operations and Maintenance of Lines and Substations
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The utility has worked with innovation partners to develop and refine a machine learning fire potential index model.
Inspections, maintenance, and tree trimming to enhance performance and prevent power outages
Norway's state grid operator uses a new method to install aircraft warning markers on high-voltage transmission lines.
The service is not limited to DSPs but also arborists and inspection companies that use UAVs to inspect or work on utility transmission and distribution systems
Users can capture, store and share thermal images with Wi-Fi capabilities.
The popular thin film deposition instrument will be purchased with an $800,000 grant from the U.S. Office of Naval Research.

The International Lineman’s Rodeo & Expo is the industry’s premier event of its kind for the electric utility industry. No other event in the world offers companies a niche arena in which to interact with the world’s top electric utility professionals. The primary focus of the event is to help maintain a focus on safety and to provide a forum for the public to better understand and recognize the technical skills that linemen possess.

Southern Company's aerial services department can begin conducting dock-based, beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations, enabling remote monitoring and asset inspections systemwide.

Wood utility poles have served for more than a century as the backbone to the North American electrical distribution system. The conference will review new developments and recognized best practices for wood pole overhead systems.

HDPE offers cost savings over ceramics Description: This paper explains the benefits of High Density Polyethylene insulators from a performance, safety and durability standpoint.
Get the easy-to-share infographic to learn about three key trends impacting the electric industry.