The FPI model features include the foundation of the fire behavior triangle (weather, fuels and topography) and novel features such as wind-terrain alignment and detailed fuel moisture by species and type. PG&E uses the FPI to modify operations, from adjusting work procedures for field personnel and the sensitivity of automatic devices to executing a public safety power shutoff, depending on the level of risk.
“Historically, utilities had limited visibility to the actual wildfire risk on any given day and given hour,” said Nic Wilson, DTN product manager for weather risk. “With machine learning models and advanced analytics, utilities can take insights and decision-making further to reduce the risk of catastrophic fires.”
The development of FPI started in 2014, became operational in 2015, and continues to evolve as additional findings and data sets are discovered and developed. Finding the right combination of data sets and identifying causation proved to be challenging in earlier model developments.
A pivotal piece of the newer version was incorporating a 30-plus year data set of historical weather data provided by DTN, a global data, analytics and technology company. The FPI model would not be able to exist without this foundational data source that feeds into other models and the machine learning model.
PG&E also works with the other innovation partners to incorporate additional critical data sets within the FPI model, including dead fuel moisture — which is derived on an hourly basis and fluctuates based on temperature — humidity solar radiation and live fuel moisture data sets for multiple plant species in California.
Terrain features and dynamic wind-terrain alignment also are important factors, computed each hour as part of the historical and forecast data to surface key planning insights. For example, the FPI model shows higher risk for winds perpendicular to terrain features compared to parallel. This perpendicular alignment occurs during Diablo and Santa Ana wind events in California and can lead to the downslope acceleration of winds.
The FPI model also is trained on historical fire occurrence data sets enhanced with fire detections from polar and geosynchronous satellites to provide sub-daily fire growth intelligence. When combined with hourly weather and fuel data sets, this enables the FPI model to learn, down to an hourly resolution, why or why not a fire may have grown over a short time frame.