Vegetation Management Insights - Sep 12th, 2023
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Vegetation Management Insights

How Electric Utilities Run IVM and Wildfire Mitigation Programs
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ROW management is about partnership, and partners must communicate effectively.
Understanding traditional land and vegetation management practices can shape modern strategies.

Corteva Agriscience offers industry-leading products, solutions and support to meet the unique needs of utility vegetation managers. As your trusted partner, Corteva helps you protect infrastructure, the environment and your bottom line.

PG&E's Dave Canny is one of several California wildfire mitigation experts who will discuss related electric utility challenges during a Sept. 12 panel, 'California Wildfire Mitigation Plans and Strategies.'
Derek Sang of Bulwark FR shares strategies for lineworkers to get maximum protection from FR clothing through proper selection, care, maintenance and use.
The solution ensures safer and more reliable operations by effectively mitigating threats, ultimately enhancing overall efficiency for clients.

Bareground sites free of weeds mean clearer lines of sight, safer operations and a reduced risk of wildfires. Your partners at Envu have you covered with an early application rundown to give you more control and flexibility — and less stress.

Establishing a risk-planning index, with defined risk thresholds customized to a utility, is the next step in wildfire risk mitigation.
The Utility Arborist Association is the premier organization for individuals and companies dedicated to providing professional utility arboricultural services. Members of the UAA and their employers have a commitment to maintaining trees and other vegetation to ensure the safe and reliable distribution of energy— electric, oil and gas—to businesses...
In part one of this two-part series, Duke Energy shares how a remote-sensing program has transformed the way it manages vegetation.

Wood utility poles have served for more than a century as the backbone to the North American electrical distribution system. The conference will review new developments and recognized best practices for wood pole overhead systems.