California ISO Adopts Policies Supporting Grid Reliability
Dec. 19, 2022
The storage enhancements proposal reflects the ISO’s continuing work with industry stakeholders to refine its policies ensuring batteries are accurately priced in the real-time market and fully charged.
In their final meetings of the year, theCaliforniaIndependent System Operator’s(ISO)governing entitiesadoptedpolicies and toolstosupportsystem reliability and selected the 2023 chair and vice chair for theBoard of Governors.
With nearly 5,000 MW of storage resourcesnowconnected to the grid, the storage enhancements proposal reflects theISO’s continuingworkwith industry stakeholders to refine its policies ensuring batteries are accurately priced in the real-time market and fully charged to provide energy when needed.
TheEnergy Storage Enhancements proposaladopted by the Board and WEIM Governing Bodyencompassed several refinements, including:
Improvedaccountingofa battery’sstate of charge,certifying the resources areavailable when needed.
Improved toolsfor exceptional dispatchto make sure the resources are adequately compensated sothe batteries’energy is available tomeet load during peak hours.
The Board and Governing Body also approved the WEIM Resource Sufficiency Evaluation (RSE) Enhancement Phase 2 initiative to make sure the WEIm entities have enough capacity and energy in the real-time market to meet their demand before voluntarily transferring electricity to other participants.
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