LumaSense has developed an online monitoring solution based on non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) technology called SmartDGA.
LumaSense has developed an online monitoring solution based on non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) technology called SmartDGA. The SmartDGA family of instruments is a cost-effective dissolved gas analysis solution and is designed to allow customers to continuously monitor and control the condition of LTCs and transformers. The SmartDGA instrument provides DGA values in order to develop a comprehensive analysis of potential fault conditions through specific key gases being monitored. Customers will also be able to identify potential faults prior to failures (reducing unplanned outages and associated costs). They will also be able to reduce the number and frequency of LTC maintenance cycles, thereby increasing uptime and maximum efficiency of the LTC. And they will be able to proactively investigate the cause of faults or premature aging of a transformer.