The BuckEscape Kit is an after-fall self-rescue system that was designed as an energy-absorbing lanyard that has the capability to provide a lone worker with the ability to perform a self-rescue from a disabled aerial bucket, or if the lone worker was ejected from the bucket and is suspended from their lanyard. The kit also features built-in suspension trauma steps to alleviate pressure during the self-rescue process.
The BuckEscape Kit consists of a BuckEscape Descender Kit (302AF-65) and a BuckEscape Rescue Lanyard (6+R+R115R2S2 ).
Here are the five steps to using the system:
1. Pull down on deployment tether to release the relief ladder and contents of pack.
2. Step into red ladder loops, pull down on ladder adjustment strap to lift your feet and get into a seated position. Remove descent line, snaphook, descender & carabiner from pack.
3. Connect descent line snaphook to the green D-ring (anchor point) located just below the pack.
4. Connect carabiner attached to descender to your harness sternal attachment or repelling loops.Double check that descent line snaphook is attached to green D-ring (anchor point) & descender carabiner is attached to harness.
5. Disconnect fall arrest attachment snaphook & descend safely to ground. Control speed using one hand on the descender lever and the other hand tailing the descent line.
To see the product in action, view the video clip below.