Integral Energy, one of Australia's largest energy corporations, signed a contract with Intergraph Utilities, Huntsville, Alabama, U.S., to replace its existing GIS with G/Electric as part of a strategic effort to invest in areas that will strengthen distribution network performance. Integral's network covers more than 24,500 km2 (9460 miles2) and provides electrical service to approximately two million people in Western Sydney, Illawarra and the Southern Highlands.
G/Electric will form the basis for Integral's multi-phase implementation of a best practice, integrated asset-management system. The project includes 60 seats and will continue up to seven years.
Intergraph Utilities was awarded the contract based on its years of experience serving the utility industry as well as its advanced G/Electric technology. G/Electric integrates with existing business systems and provides the advantages of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, such as support for ongoing application extensions and ease of maintenance and upgrades, reducing the risk to Integral Energy in maintaining the system over the long term.
One of the strengths of the Intergraph solution is its ability to provide an easily integrated, open platform.
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