Indji Watch is designed specifically to aid utility grid operators by giving them greater insights into environmental threats and allowing them to be proactive in making better informed decisions on hazards that threaten their utility operations.
It is said to be the only solution that can monitor a full spectrum of hazards including lightning, high winds, wildfires, temperature extremes, ice accumulation, floods, earthquakes and much more, and then alert them in real-time to those threats that will impact their assets.
The company's patented system provides dynamic modeling of hazards, enabling the identification of threats to assets. Utility assets, including power lines and substations, are precisely identified in contrast to other systems, which only alert based on a handful of points within the utility network. The Indji Watch Asset Threat Window provides a single view of each asset, the type of threat and distance to the asset, giving the operations personnel greater visibility.
Decisions can be made quickly to adjust loads when necessary and avoid outages. Each customer chooses the hazard warnings they want to see that are critical to their business including choosing to receive alerts via their mobile device, tablet or desktop device.
From a system-wide overview right down to an individual asset, Indji Watch will ensure that the team has the best possible picture of what the weather will be doing in the near future, as well as analytic capabilities to what happened in the past. The Indji Watch solution partners with and delivers data from trusted and reliable sources to provide users with the most accurate real-time weather alerts and hourly-updating forecasts.
Visit Indji Systems at Booth #326 at the IEEE PES T&D Conference and Exposition for more information.