As the grid turns digital, we need to accurately monitor and measure more of the grid in real-time and in more places if we want to predict outages, locate faults prior to grid disruption, and improve the integration of renewables. Micatu’s Gridview optical sensing technology platform, winner of the 2021 S&P Global Platts Global Energy Award for Commercial Technology, utilizes light passed through an optical crystal to provide unprecedented situational awareness for utilities and for commercial and industrial manufacturers.
Optical sensing provides the highest data fidelity, accuracy, precision, and next-level harmonics measurements for grid visibility, making it a compelling solution that bridges the gap between yesterday’s one-way, analog grid and today’s need for digital two-way, real-time data. Micatu’s Gridview optical sensing platform measures voltage, current, vibration, and temperature with unprecedented accuracy, without being an ignition source. Since the optical sensors measure with light instead of passing electrons, Gridview enables electric grid operators to avoid equipment overheating and violent, explosive failures. With overhead, underground, and groundless options available, optical sensors can be easily deployed anywhere they are needed and require only firmware upgrades to leverage advances in chip and software designs.
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Booth #5857