Classic Connectors USA will be participating in the 2024 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition in Booth #4140. Experience an opportunity to reconnect and explore a range of ideas and solutions driving change in the utility industry.
The company will be showcasing permanent system hardening and wildfire mitigation solutions for the upcoming storm season using a ClampStar engineered, electrical mechanical shunt. The exhibitor welcomes the opportunity to meet with attendees one-on-one at the event.
The complete line of ClampStar engineered, electrical/mechanical shunts are available for the following corrective applications: midspan splice, dead-ends, conductor strand repair and strand breakage at suspension clamps on both distribution and transmission systems, covering conductor ranges from #6 (4.1 mm) thru 2515kcmil (ACSR) (48.6 mm) and 2750 (AAC) (48.62 mm). For all aluminum stranded conductors, eg., ACSR, AAC, AAAC, ACAR, ACSS & Composite Core. Also available for OHSW, OPGW, Copper and SWER
ClampStar is an engineered, electrical/mechanical shunt that significantly reduces whole-span wire replacement cost when installed over a failed splice, deadend or suspension clamp or on a damaged portion of conductor to function as a permanent bypass electrical connection while maintaining tension in the conductor.
ClampStar eliminates the replacement of overhead connectors and repairs damaged bare conductors with an easy, quick, and permanent solution. It is also used to increase the performance rating of existing splices and other connectors, clamps, and fittings to increase line ampacity that may presently be limited by such devices.
When attending the IEEE PES T&D Conference and Exposition, make sure you make plans to attend the company's live booth demonstrations.
For more information, visit the website. You can also register for the conference with a 50% discount with the promo Code: EE10084.