Courtesy of Ubicquia.
67d4509e757118c165644fd2 Image 1 Scs Edgerestore Underground Distribution R

S&C Underground Distribution Restoration System with Ubicquia Transformer Monitor Boosts Predictive Power

March 14, 2025
Undergrounding can protect lines from severe weather, vegetation damage and other hazards, but when faults occur in an undergrounded system, they can be harder to locate, access and repair than overhead lines.

Power grid technology developer and manufacturer S&C Electric Co., released a combined solution featuring S&C’s EdgeRestore system and Ubicquia’s UbiGrid DTM+. This package allows utilities to add communications and leverage analytics as they deploy S&C’s EdgeRestore system.

Electric utilities and grid operators are exploring the potential of undergrounding power lines as power grid risks increase. Undergrounding can protect lines from severe weather, vegetation damage and other hazards, but when faults occur in an undergrounded system, they can be harder to locate, access and repair than overhead lines.

Combining EdgeRestore system’s intelligence and automation with the grid visibility of UbiGrid DTM+ allows utilities to monitor critical restoration operations and other device statuses, providing greater situational awareness and predictive analytics for enhanced system reliability and more efficient fault responses.

S&C’s EdgeRestore system modernizes the last mile of underground power distribution. When a fault occurs on an underground residential loop, the EdgeRestore system automatically locates and isolates the fault and reroutes power from an alternate source—all within 60 seconds.

When paired with Ubicquia’s UbiGrid DTM+, which independently monitors the underground network to provide fault information and device health status, the solution delivers utilities 24/7 visibility and communication flexibility for monitoring, reporting, analyzing, and responding to faults on underground distribution circuits.

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