Grid-Enhancing Technologies - Jun 4th, 2024
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Grid-Enhancing Technologies

Maximizing T&D and substation technology to boost today's power grid
The Board has also approved Pattern Energy’s application to tie its 550-mile SunZia line into the California system.
The proposal includes more buried power lines, infrastructure upgrades and grid automation efforts to reduce the number and length of customer power outages.
The projects will help deliver a reliable service during summers and improve the region’s transition from fossil fuels to renewables.
The company plans to invest about $35 billion for the U.S. energy system improvements in Massachusetts and New York.

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Will the implementation of dynamic line rating and engineered electrical mechanical shunt technologies aid in increasing transmission conductor capacity?
PSO has appointed over 200 lineworkers, forestry personnel, support staff and additional business partners to advance the restoration effort.
Eliminating the use of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas can improve the sustainability of electrical infrastructure. Find out how.