In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, two Vectren electric crews have been deployed to the Mobile, Alabama, area after the company received the call for mutual assistance from Alabama Power, a Southern Company utility and the electric provider in the ...
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, two Vectren electric crews have been deployed to the Mobile, Alabama, area after the company received the call for mutual assistance from Alabama Power, a Southern Company utility and the electric provider in the storm-damaged area. Eight Vectren employees and one supervisor will assist with power restoration in the Southeast.
The Vectren crews, complete with three bucket trucks, a line truck, a van and pick-up truck departed Wednesday morning.
The Vectren employees will work 16-hour shifts for the next several days. Utilities in the area will continue to evaluate progress to see if more assistance is needed. Utility crews in the area continue assessing damage but know the restoration process in the area will take weeks.
Vectren Corporation is an energy and applied technology holding company headquartered in Evansville, Indiana.
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