Eversource Reliability Improvements Help Economic Growth in Western Mass
April 21, 2016
The company recently completed a $2 million project to ensure that safe, dependable power continues to be available year-round in the three-town area.
Eversource is making significant upgrades to improve its ability to deliver reliable, abundant power to Westhampton, Southampton and the commercially thriving town of Easthampton. The company recently completed a $2 million project to ensure that safe, dependable power continues to be available year-round in the three-town area.
“We understand having enough electricity available when our customers need it is crucial, particularly in areas experiencing significant growth,” said Craig Hallstrom, President of Massachusetts Electric Operations at Eversource.
“That’s why it’s so important we constantly upgrade our system to ensure we continue to provide dependable power, while also reducing the frequency and duration of outages.”
Eversource crews upgrade electrical system serving more than 11,000 customers
Eversource crews created a brand new electrical circuit as part of this most recent upgrade. Along with the improved availability of power, the new equipment provides the company with additional reliability options. If for any reason one set of wires is damaged, it will now be easier to reroute electricity around the damage and restore power to a greater number of customers more quickly. The upgrade will also make the electric system more reliable during the hot summer months when air conditioning use is at its peak.
One of the driving forces behind this upgrade is the growing need for more electricity essential to commercial development in Easthampton. The project benefits close to 11,000 customers, including those in Westhampton and Southampton whose electricity also flows from Eversource’s Easthampton substation where the new equipment connects. The company anticipates additional work at the substation will take place in 2017, with the planned upgrade of the existing transformers.
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