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Electrical T&D is ESSENTIAL

May 1, 2020
We Can Hunker Down. But We Can’t Go Dark!

They’re essentialAt a time when the health and safety of our team members is so much on our minds, TSTM would like to offer our prayers and good wishes. Your crews have got to be out there, and we know you’re doing everything you can to provide for their safety while they’re maintaining power for hospitals, grocery stores, and industrial providers of everyday needs. Today, essential needs.

Safety—and the elimination of unnecessary risk to workers—has always been TSTM’s mission. That we can do so while at the same time cut field trips by virtually eliminating meter failure and improving AMR/AMI accuracy is the story of our famous industry-leading VT Pack—3 toroidal VT’s in a sealed, easily-installed unit.

Get The latest on TRIED AND TRUE solutions for reducing 480 metering voltage, PERFECTED—by TSTM.

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