Hydro One announced that the Bruce to Milton Transmission Reinforcement Project has passed the mid-point of construction. Energy Minister Brad Duguid and Laura Formusa, President and CEO, Hydro One, marked the construction milestone with a visit to the site, viewing tower construction near Kincardine, Ontario, Canada.
The new transmission line is expected to be in service by December 2012. Hydro One is building the approximately 180-km, double-circuit 500-kV transmission line on a widened existing corridor, extending from the Bruce Power complex in Kincardine, to Hydro One's Switching Station in Milton.
The line will transport more than 3,000 MW of clean and renewable power from the Bruce area to southern Ontario. It is the largest expansion project in Ontario's transmission system in 20 years.
"The Bruce to Milton transmission line is an integral part of Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan to build a clean, modern and reliable energy system and replace dirty-coal with cleaner sources of power. The line will improve reliability and will create more than 450 jobs," Duguid said. "Ontario is at the forefront of the new clean energy economy as we are creating thousands of jobs, attracting investment and building a cleaner, healthier future for our children and grandchildren."
"The Bruce to Milton Transmission Reinforcement Project is an important investment in Ontario's electricity delivery system and supports Ontario's move to clean and renewable sources of energy," Formusa said. "This project has been made possible by the shared commitment of the residents, businesses, municipalities and First Nations and Métis groups along the corridor."