Western Area Power Administration and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District are studying the environmental effects to constructing and operating a 500-kilovolt transmission line in Colusa and Sutter counties in California.
The proposed Colusa-Sutter Transmission Line, or CoSu Line, would enhance the reliability of the electrical grid in Northern California by providing a new connection to the existing California-Oregon Transmission Project line in Colusa County, California. The proposed line would link to a new substation near the existing O'Banion Substation in neighboring Sutter County. The project would increase SMUD's ability to deliver clean power to the Sacramento area from the Pacific Northwest and other energy markets.
A notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement was published in today’s Federal Register initiating a 60-day public scoping period under the National Environmental Policy Act. SMUD will serve as the lead agency preparing the concurrent environmental impact review under the California Environmental Quality Act.
Public meetings are planned for Jan. 12, 13 and 14, 2016, in Colusa and Sutter counties. The public, agencies and other stakeholders can learn about the proposed project and provide comments to inform Western and SMUD of their issues and concerns at this earliest stage of the environmental review process. Information about the public meetings, including locations and how to provide comments, is available on the project website at www.cosuline.com/. No action will be taken on the project proposal until after the environmental review is completed.
Visit www.cosuline.com/ for more information on the project. You can also learn more about NEPA’s environmental processes on the Department of Energy’s website.