SSEN Transmission
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New Grid Connection Policy Boosts Renewable Projects in Northern Scotland

Aug. 30, 2024
The change will support around 35 customers in mainland Scotland, with a combined generating potential of over 5 MW, to connect to the grid earlier than expected.

SSEN Transmission, working in collaboration with SSEN Distribution, have planned to connect renewable generation projects to their network in the north of Scotland by increasing the threshold at which new projects will require a Transmission Impact Assessment (TIA) for large areas across the region.

An increase in the threshold, from 50 kW to 200 kW, will allow more projects to be connected without the cost and delay coming with the assessment required to be conducted.

The change will support around 35 customers in mainland Scotland, with a combined generating potential of over 5 MW, to connect to the grid earlier than expected. The threshold adjustment will also allow some prospective customers to save on the cost of application fees.

The change is for SSEN Transmission’s mainland operating area in the north of Scotland but does not include grid supply points on the islands surrounding the mainland, where the threshold remains 50 kW due to transmission network constraints. The amendment supports Scottish Government's proposed target to install 4-6 GW of solar capacity by 2030.

An example of the impact the TIA threshold change will come in the form of a 130 kW industrial customer connection project in Dundee. The scheme was provided a proposed 2031 connection date under the previous threshold of 50 kW, but the project will now connect to the transmission network as soon as it is ready.

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