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Location Announced for Wilson, Rutherford County Proposed Transmission Line

Sept. 5, 2024
TVA is expected to start surveys in spring 2025 and acquire easements in summer 2026. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2027 and completed in summer 2027.

The Tennessee Valley Authority has recognized a location for a transmission line in Wilson and Rutherford Counties to prepare for growth, increase power reliability and help provide cleaner energy.

While a National Environmental Policy Act review is pending, the selected route is expected to have a minimum impact on the area, based on public input from the in-person open house and virtual open house and additional evaluation of other factors, including social, environmental and engineering impacts.

TVA’s new power line will start at a tap point on TVA’s Lebanon-Murfreesboro Transmission Line, near the corner of Powells Chapel Road and State Hwy 452, and extend west to the new Fall Creek Substation planned by Middle Tennessee Electric in Rutherford County. The project will be less than 3 miles and built using single-pole, steel structures on 100-foot-wide right of way.

TVA will meet with property owners along the proposed right of way to get easements for construction, operation, and maintenance of the line. Property owners will own the property and be compensated for the easements at fair market value.

TVA is expected to start surveys in spring 2025 and acquire easements in summer 2026. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2027 and completed in summer 2027.

TVA reports the region is growing three times faster than the national average and the University of Tennessee’s Baker School projects the region’s population to grow 22% by 2050. TVA is investing $2.8 billion to strengthen the power grid across its service area through 2027.

About the Author

Tennessee Valley Authority

The Tennessee Valley Authority is the nation’s largest public power supplier, delivering energy to 10 million people across seven southeastern states. TVA was established 90 years ago to serve this region and the nation by developing innovative solutions to solve complex challenges. TVA’s unique mission focuses on energy, environmental stewardship, and economic development. With one of the largest, most diverse, and cleanest energy systems – including nuclear, hydro, solar, gas, and advanced technologies – TVA is a leader in our nation’s drive toward a clean energy future.

TVA is a corporate agency of the United States, receiving no taxpayer funding, deriving virtually all of its revenues from sales of electricity. In addition to operating and investing its revenues in its electric system, TVA provides flood control, navigation, and land management for the Tennessee River system, and assists local power companies and state and local governments with economic development and job creation.

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