Sharyland Utilities L.P. has filed a generation interconnection agreement, worked out with Tahoka Wind LLC, with the Texas Public Utility Commission.
This deal covers a wind project with a “Scheduled Trial Operation Date” of Sept. 8, 2018, and a “Scheduled Commercial Operation Date” of Oct. 1, 2018.
The point of interconnection to the grid will be located in Lynn County, Texas, in a new Sharyland substation. The new substation will be located within one mile of the northernmost dead-end of the utility’s 345 kV Borden transmission line.
Sharyland will extend a single circuit 345kV line approximately 850 feet to the Wind Energy Transmission Texas LLC (WETT) Long Draw Substation and perform any necessary upgrades to the Borden Line. To accommodate two 345kV gas circuit breakers for the incoming line, WETT will perform certain work within its Long Draw Substation, including but not limited to the addition of a Bay and associated substation expansion, collectively called the "Long Draw Upgrades.” The Long Draw Upgrades will be owned and operated by WETT and governed by Sharyland's interconnection agreement with WETT.
The Tahoka Wind project will have 202 wind turbines at 2.5 MW each, the agreement notes.
A listed developer contact is: Tahoka Wind LLC, Attn: Andrew Grieve, 401 N Michigan Ave., Suite 501, Chicago. IL 60611, Telephone (847) 636-6696, [email protected]. That is contact information for Lincoln Clean Energy, which says about itself on its website: “LCE is a developer, owner and operator of clean power projects with a particular focus on wind and solar power in the United States. We have successfully developed projects involving over $2 billion in capital investment in some of the largest electricity markets in the US (including Texas, California and New Jersey).”